+91-8026761322 heni@iphindia.org

Remote business meetings are becoming more commonplace as workplaces have become more flexible. The ability to work from anywhere in the world is an excellent method to attract a wider spectrum of talent.

There are a few issues that can cause frustration and disengagement which, in turn, can result in a decrease in productivity. For example, meetings can often be long due to time zones, scheduling or technical issues, and it can useful source be hard for employees to refocus on work after lengthy meetings.

To ensure that your remote meeting goes smoothly, you must select the right tools and observe proper etiquette. This includes using video to view everyone present, adhering to the rules of a meeting, such as being punctual, not answering emails during a remote conference and refraining from distractions such as texting or multi-tasking. It’s crucial to send a summary message to attendees to keep track of the items in the agenda and next actions.

It’s also important to build rapport with remote employees, and make sure they feel valued. This can be done by beginning every remote meeting with a friendly conversation such as asking employees what they’re up to and what they’ve been doing in their lives. This is especially effective for new employees or those who feel lonely and isolated when working remotely.