This qualitative research examine the socio cultural barrier for accessing and utilizing the sexual and reproductive health services among the migrants and refugee women in Sydney, and Vancouver the study demonstrate that migrant and refugee women are at risk of experiencing unmet SRH needs and negative health outcomes due to socio-cultural norms that contribute to the potential for inadequate SRH knowledge and low uptake of sexual health services and concludes that the health system need to develop culturally appropriate sexual health promotion initiatives to meet the migrants sexual and reproductive health needs.
Metusela C, Ussher J, Perz J, Hawkey A, Morrow M, Narchal R, Estoesta J, Monteiro M In My Culture, We Don’t Know Anything About That”: Sexual and Reproductive Health of Migrant and Refugee Women, 2017, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, pp 1–10
by admin | Aug 4, 2017 | Articles | 0 comments