+91-8026761322 heni@iphindia.org
Social exclusion and health of Muslim communities in Maharashtra by Sana Contractor

Social exclusion and health of Muslim communities in Maharashtra by Sana Contractor

Eleventh webinar in the Equilogues series

The Health Equity Cluster at IPH Bengaluru is now the secretariat for the newly launched Health Equity Network India (HENI) and is pleased to announce the eleventh webinar in the Equilogues series in January 2019. Do block your calendar for this date and come join us in an engaging conversation on health inequities in India.

Where is the trade-off?

This is the link to the article, “The fallacy of the equity-efficiency trade off: rethinking the efficient health system” by Reidpath et al. The international health literature, as all of us know, is replete with discussions of this delicate balance between attaining...