25-29, Nov-2019
09.00 Am – 5.00 Pm
Visthar, Bangalore, India
Azim Premji University, The George Institute for Global Health and Health Equity Network India are inviting applications for the fifth workshop on ‘Cutting Edge Research on Health Inequities: Concepts & Methods’ to be held from 25 to 29 November 2019. The objectives of this workshop are to build the capacity of researchers and activists with research experience to:
- Have clarity on concepts related to equity and inequities in heath
- Develop an understanding on how to approach health research with an equity lens
- Acquire skills for planning research that help understand pathways creating or contributing to inequities in health using qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method approaches
- Be introduced to approaches to studying the consequences of intersecting social inequalities on health inequities
The workshop will be conducted in English. For more information download brochure from here.
Key dates
- Last date for submission of applications: 15 September 2019
- Announcement of successful applicants and scholarships: 15 October 2019
- Workshop dates: 25 – 29 November 2019
Selection and scholarships
- A small number (5-6) of travel bursaries in the amount of Rs. 5000/- are available and will be allocated on the basis of need.
- The number of places available for the workshop is twenty-five (25). A screening committee will screen applications and select the final list of participants.
- No cost fees will be charged
- Boarding and lodging will be covered for all selected participants.
For any queries please contact the Health Equity Action Lab (HEAL).