by Asmita Behera | Feb 27, 2017 | Blog
Life choices of a girl (woman) in rural India Asmita Behera I am writing this solely for the girl I met during my data collection. It has been months and some faces keep coming back to me like they have become a part of me and hers is etched among them. It was one of...
by Sunu C Thomas | Feb 27, 2017 | Blog
“Why can’t you be child-free?” Sunu C Thomas “I hope this time it happens”, she said. “Why can’t you be child-free?” I asked my friend who was in a not so happy marriage. “… but, I need one for the society”, she replied. I was taken aback hearing her reply and seeing...
by amc-hss | Jan 9, 2017 | Blog
My experiments with Kashmir -the cursed valley amc-hss When I was asked to write about my experiences as a young researcher in Kashmir, I suddenly felt very confused. I felt clueless as to where to begin. Millions of memories came gushing to my mind. I did not know...
by sapna | Dec 30, 2016 | Blog
“Scrappy” issues – panting environment and decaying lives sapna E-waste, a new and hazardous category of waste, has further complicated the waste management scenario not only in India but globally. When talking about its management in India and other developing...
by Adithya Pradyumna | Dec 29, 2016 | Blog
Planetary Health – the need for a strong health sector response Adithya Pradyumna Concerns for environmental health have been increasing, and with good reason. The Planetary Boundaries framework by the Stockholm Environmental Institute has illustrated the upper...
by sachin barbde | Dec 7, 2016 | Blog
Social Determinants of Health- A Case Study On Tribal Health in Kalhandi sachin barbde ‘Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large scale ’’, commented Rudolf Virchow, which roughly translates to the fact that in order to treat...