+91-8026761322 heni@iphindia.org


ODK – for health inequity research

Open Data Kit (ODK) tools are a set of open source research tool that helps to collect research data using mobile handsets. It can replace paper forms and support geo-locations, images, video clips, and barcodes along with numerical and textual data.opendatakit.org

Moodle suite – for Health inequity research

Is an open source learning management software applications that help teachers to create modular internet based courses. It is easy to work with and bases on the modern social constructionist pedagogy. moodle.org

Open Meeting – for Health inequity research

is open source software which provides virtual meeting rooms for web conferencing. People from different locations/countries can meet in the virtual room using the webcam and microphone in their computer/handheld device. Through open meetings they can share documents, audio/video recordings, screens and even record the proceedings for future review. Open meetings are the least expensive way of meeting both in economic and ecologic terms. openmeetings.apache.org

Discussion Forum

The use of discussion forums as a vehicle for learning is based on the pedagogical tenets of collaborative learning theory, which call for collaboration between participants, experimentation, and open inquiry. It help Builds con­nec­tions and class com­mu­nity, Con­tributes to the devel­op­ment of cog­ni­tive, crit­i­cal think­ing, and writ­ing skills, Facil­i­tates exploratory learn­ing and Empow­ers stu­dents to express them­selves.